

欢迎来到Women Elevated, an empowering career reentry program at 微米 that seeks to reignite the professional journey of women. 你是否抽出时间陪伴家人, 个人成长, 或者其他追求, our program provides a supportive platform to upskill, reskill and confidently relaunch your career in both technical and non-technical roles. 与美光一起提升你的职业生涯!


We understand that the course of life can lead to career breaks, and we’re here to empower women to reenter the workforce seamlessly. As a returner you’ll join 微米 as a full-time employee from day one. 在最初的16周, 你将成为女性提升项目的一员, tailored for those returning to the workforce after a break. Enjoy a smooth transition with a supportive community, 灵活的安排, 指导和技能提升援助. 与美光一起提升你的职业生涯 – where your comeback begins.

我们的愿景 是多样化的, 包容的女性社区, empowered to seamlessly reenter professional life, upskilled and ready to make lasting contribution in both technical and non-technical roles.

Teacher in a wheelchair helping a small child studentuse a chalkboard.


才有资格参加"女性提升, individuals will have taken an extended career break of a minimum two years, 与灵活性, and 5-7 years of experience in their field prior to the break.

Career breaks might look like, but are not limited to:

  • 对家庭的责任

  • 个人成长 

  • 外籍

  • 服兵役或配偶经历  

  • 已经离职的美光校友 

  • 休假 

  • 志愿服务

  • 退休  

We celebrate the diverse paths that lead professionals to Women Elevated, and we encourage all qualified individuals to apply, 不管他们暂停职业的原因是什么.


您的成功就是我们的使命, and we are committed to providing the resources and support you need for a triumphant return to the workforce.

  • 工作来说: during your 16 weeks in the program we understand there is a transition and provide extended flexibility during this time. 
  • Upskilling: Access a wealth of resources for upskilling and reskilling, tailored to the needs of returning professionals. 
  • 指导: Benefit from a supportive mentorship program connecting you with experienced professionals eager to guide you on your journey. 
  • 工作伙伴从一个支持你的工作伙伴中受益, who works in a simliar position as you and is there for added support in your department to help with your transition back into the workforce.
  • 包容的机会: Explore a range of opportunities in both technical and non-technical roles, fostering an inclusive and diverse work environment. 
  • 社区支持: Join a community of like-minded individuals who understand and celebrate the journey of returning to the workforce.


是的. You will be hired as a full-time 微米 employee day one.

虽然重点是支持妇女, the program is inclusive for all and individuals of all genders are welcome to apply. 

Absolutely, the program is open to individuals with a consecutive career break of 2 or more years. 

Participants will be paired with a business mentor to provide guidance on navigating the company and networking. It’s a personalized support system tailored to your individual needs. 

我们理解灵活性的重要性. 在最初的16周内, 参与者可以享受更大的灵活性, 包括在家工作的机会. After the 16-week transition you will follow 微米’s Flexible Work Arrangement guidelines. 

微米 offers a platform for upskilling and reskilling to ensure that participants can enhance and update their skills to align with current industry standards. Employees are also eligible for 微米’s Tuition Assistance program to support further credentials/education pathways.

虽然你可以申请美光的任何职位, the Women Elevated program is currently hiring for specific roles in 销售, 市场营销, 供应链, IT, 人员、团队和财务.

You will know if a role you are interested in applying for is part of the 16-week Women Elevated program per the title and job description.

是的. 微米 is committed to providing continuous support during and after the 16-week program by integrating participants into a vibrant cohort community that they can rely on for ongoing connections.

Interested candidates can apply directly through our official job postings or reach out via email to careerreentry@datastreamusa.net 了解更多信息. 


Amanda, the driving force behind 微米’s Women Elevated program, is passionate about its mission. 作为一个新妈妈, she deeply understands the program’s benefit to empower women returning to the workforce. With a commitment to creating a seamless transition, Amanda envisions a brighter future for women in navigating their professional comebacks! 通过电子邮件联系到 careerreentry@datastreamusa.net 了解更多信息.


微米和Women Elevated是 STEM再入工作小组, the groundbreaking career reentry initiative co-led by the Society of Women Engineers and iRelaunch